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5 Tips to Improve Your Public Speaking Skills

nonverbal communication public speaking self awareness Jan 22, 2024

Want to build confidence as a public speaker? Don’t rely on instinct or spontaneous progress. Develop the tools that can guarantee improvement in your public speaking skills. Systematically grow your confidence...on purpose.

Tips for Improving Public Speaking

Record Yourself

Whether a voice memo or a self-video recording, you’ve GOT to hear yourself externally—as other people would hear you. Your internal hearing does not provide an accurate representation.

Get Feedback

Reception is a critical part of effective communication. Having another set of eyes and ears to give you feedback is absolutely invaluable to know how your message lands with your audience.

Use Vocal Emotion

Infusing your vocal tone with emotion helps your audience to learn from you. It also inspires them towards action. Use vocal building blocks to increase vocal emotion.

Focus on Body Language

Aligning your face and body to match your vocal energy helps keep your audience engaged and avoids creating cognitive dissonance and confusion.

Try, Try, Try Again

You don’t have to be perfect before you start. There’s a lot of valuable learning that happens by doing and getting experience under your belt. Just get up and get going.

Embrace these tips and watch your confidence soar as you become a more polished and effective public speaker!