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Real Stories, Real Impact: Fostering Emotional Connections with an Audience

public speaking storytelling Jul 02, 2024

Let's get real.

You don't have to totally spill your guts from the stage or in the courtroom, but you MUST bring an authentic HUMAN element.

You have to get a little vulnerable.

🌟 Vulnerability fosters relatability.

And relatability will be your winning ticket. 

Jurors need to connect to SOMETHING, or SOMEONE. Why? Because they're HUMAN. That's how the human brain works. 

Remember that whole Maslow's Heirarchy of Needs chart? BELONGING was on the list. 

Love and belongingness refers to a human emotional need for interpersonal relationships, affiliating, connectedness, and being part of a group.

Brains are just desperate to make connections. Once they make connections, they can RELAX.

By bringing yourself, your TRUE self, your compassion, your heart, and your reality, you build trust that will resonate with your listeners.