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Foster Your Voice

Helping high-stakes communicators deliver a message that inspires action.

Unlock Learning: Insights from Neuroscience

information processing mind movie neural pathways neuroscience the 5 building blocks Feb 19, 2024

The BRAIN is a wonder!

You are missing out on more effective communication if you’re not studying it. Let’s dive into the fascinating world of neuroscience and uncover how understanding the brain can transform the way we communicate and learn.

Understanding the Brain's Pathways

Information received by the brain initially goes into the hippocampus for processing. Discard? Store in long term? Use it to make decisions?

The amygdala chimes in to help it make sense with the habit parts and give input about threat levels (which isn’t always helpful).

But, for someone to relate to it, connect with it, and decide to take action, the information needs to reach the prefrontal cortex.

How do we ensure this transition happens effectively?

The answer lies in vocal emotion

The Power of Vocal Emotion

Vocal emotion is the gateway to the prefrontal cortex. Here are four key insights on how vocal emotion impacts communication and learning:

1. Resonance and Lasting Understanding

Vocal emotion helps your message resonate with your audience. How much does it ring true to what they already know and can assimilate into their core knowledge based on their human experiences?

By infusing meaning into the words, the message becomes more resonant and the brain embeds the information deeply, leading to lasting understanding.

2. Internal Visualization for Recall

When you use vocal emotion, it assists listeners in creating an internal, visual map. The thoughts get organized like an outline or a timeline, with snapshots and graphics engraved into our memories.

This map (or “mind movie” as I’ve called it before) is crucial for recall during decision-making processes.

3. The Power of Maybe

Vocal emotion disrupts monotonous vocal patterns, creating what we call "the power of maybe." This state of curiosity and uncertainty significantly boosts learning engagement.

Vocal emotion and variety tantalizes the ears of the listener and keeps inviting attentiveness.

4. Enhanced Processing and Engagement

Implementing vocal emotion gives your listener’s brain time to process the information, keeping them engaged for a longer period.

The 5 Building Blocks of Vocal Emotion

To harness the power of vocal emotion, consider these five building blocks:

  • Pitch: The highness or lowness of your voice.
  • Pace: The speed at which you speak.
  • Melody: The musicality and rhythm in your speech.
  • Volume: The loudness or softness of your voice.
  • Tone: The quality and texture of your voice.


Vocal emotion is a powerful tool for effective communication and learning. By understanding and implementing the five building blocks, you can ensure your message not only reaches, but resonates, with your audience, leading to enhanced engagement and decision-making.

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