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Stand Strong: Mastering Posture for Effective Public Speaking

breathwork nonverbal communication posture Jun 25, 2024

First impressions are made based on how you carry yourself.

Before you say a word, your audience sees HOW you walk onto the stage; how you move through space and how you establish your presence.

Your posture creates a perceivable emotional profile.

Your posture projects to others what they can expect from your presentation; what to anticipate from your voice and your message.

Shoulders rolled forward? You're perceived as shy or insecure.

They must not have a strong enough message.

Hands clasped in front? You're perceived as nervous or uncertain.

Their message is probably not super important.  

Chest elevated, looking down? You're perceived as arrogant or cocky. 

They're so stuck on themselves, I bet they just want to hear their own voice today. 

NONE of that may be true about you, but your physical posture nonverbally communicates for you.

Not only that, but how you hold your carriage & frame has direct impact on your ability to access breath support for vocal projection.

Roll your shoulders back, while also actively releasing tension, to promote a confident, relaxed disposition.

Maintain an upright posture for unrestricted airflow that can be used to create a solid foundation for clear and resonant vocal delivery.

Posture will either be your best friend or your saboteur.

Make sure you use it as your silent ally to project confidence and authority during presentations.