[FREE] The Perfect Vocal Warm-up

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Helping high-stakes communicators deliver a message that inspires action.

The Ultimate Practice Tips to Speak Confidently

filler words opening statement practice public speaking Mar 06, 2024

The pressure is on. All eyes are on you. Your mind races.

“Am I ready?”

You may be missing a key part of your preparation if you’re not doing these...

Clarify Key Points

You don’t want to confuse your listeners, and you certainly don’t want to confuse yourself either! As you go through your outline, double-check to ensure your key points are clear and sequenced correctly. This helps you stay mentally sharp and on track.

Practice Out Loud

Let’s face it, practicing out loud can feel a bit nerdy. But trust me, it’s worth it. When you practice speaking aloud, you get a true feel of how your words flow and where you might stumble. It’s one of the best ways to iron out any kinks in your delivery.

I know, I know...you feel like a nerd practicing out loud. It’s so awkward. So much easier to rehearse in your head, right? But remember, you need to build muscle memory, and create physical experiences to make lasting changes.

Eliminate Filler Words

Filler words like “um,” “uh,” and “okay” often sneak in when we’re not fully prepared. By staying calm, controlling your breath, and rehearsing your content thoroughly, you can reduce these unintended audibles. When you practice out loud, it becomes easier to catch yourself using fillers, call them out, and correct them on the spot.

You’ve got this! Remember to keep your content clear, practice consistently, and watch those filler words.

Save this guide as a reminder, and follow me for more vocal tips.
