[FREE] The Perfect Vocal Warm-up

Foster Your Voice

Helping high-stakes communicators deliver a message that inspires action.

Mastering Your Trial Voice: The Power of Self-Assessment

filler words practice public speaking Mar 27, 2024

You’re gonna hate this... at first.

I challenge you to react with curiosity instead of judgment when you hear yourself on playback.

It’s not bad. It’s just different than what you hear internally.

Get over it!

External listening is your friend.

Record Your Speech

Record yourself speaking.

Self-assessment begins with capturing your speech habits. The only way to do this is by recording—either audio or video.

Track Filler Words

Keep a tally of filler words.

Monitoring filler words raises awareness for improvement. Pay close attention to why you are adding fillers, and practice getting comfortable with silence.

Catch Yourself

Notice filler words during playback. Self-awareness is the first step towards improvement.

Stand up and practice saying the exact same thing, but pause and breathe instead. Develop a habit.

Bring attention to speech habits. Consciousness enables active correction and refinement.

Record. Refine. Repeat.

By consistently recording and reviewing your speech, you can become more aware of your habits and make the necessary adjustments. This process not only enhances your communication skills but also boosts your confidence. Embrace the journey of self-improvement and watch your trial voice transform!

@FosterVoiceStudio - Original carousel post title “Mastering Your Trial Voice: The Power of Self-Assessment”