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Helping high-stakes communicators deliver a message that inspires action.

Turn Ideas into Action: Practical Takeaways for Your Audience

full spectrum voice high stakes communciation Jun 18, 2024

You are a "high-stakes communicator."

What's that mean?

We are ALL communicators. But not all communication is high-stakes communication. We communicate to transmit information -- both verbal and nonverbal.

As a high-stakes communicator, the difference is that you transmit information, not just for learning's sake, but in order to inspire ACTION based on the information you transmit.

Something is at stake if your audience doesn't act.

  • Trial attorneys try to inspire the jury to declare a verdict for their client.
  • Nonprofit leaders try to compel folks to invest financially to further their cause or to inspire volunteerism.
  • Politicians seek for people to vote on the issues & policies they represent.

HOW to deliver your content is a critical piece to inspiring your audience to take action, but you also must give them clear, actionable takeaways for practical application.

Equip them to DO something. 

Information that is actionable is more likely to be retained. Retention is more likely to create a bridge between theory and actual real-world events.

Transmit the knowledge, strategically and using full-spectrum communication skills, but also give them easy-to-implement takeaways so they can apply the acquired knowledge in their lives.