[FREE] The Perfect Vocal Warm-up

Foster Your Voice

Helping high-stakes communicators deliver a message that inspires action.

Captivate and Engage: The Power of Varied Vocal Timbres

full spectrum voice timbre tone quality Jun 04, 2024

First, let's get past the funny word. 

I know you want to say TIM-BRAY, but it's pronounced TAM-BER. We have the French to thank.

So, what does it mean?

Well, the dictionary says...

"The character or quality of a musical sound or voice as distinct from its pitch and intensity."

Which means, it's what your sound SOUNDS like. Not how high or low (pitch). Not how loud of soft (intensity). 

👉 Is it bright or dark? Brassy or breathy? Thin or heavy? 

👉 Is it nasal? Blocked? Tight? Does it have glottal fry?

FIRST...learn to analyze your sound. 👂 Become self-aware. (I can help you! See the Quick Tip below)

SECOND...work to unlock your full-spectrum voice so you have the maximum number of options when it comes to vocal expression. 🔓

THIRD...begin to strategically incorporate varied timbres in order to best communicate your message. 🤔 Tone carries emotion and infuses meaning. So be purposeful with your communication. 

Diverse timbre and creative, purposeful tonal choices captivate the audience's attention, making your public speaking more engaging and memorable.