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Engaging the Jury: 5 Types of Listeners

7 habits of highly effective people types of listeners Apr 03, 2024

Have you ever thought about how people listen? If you’ve ever been in a jury selection, you’ll know that not everyone is on the same page.

Stephen R. Covey, in his classic The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, sheds light on this intriguing aspect. Understanding these different listening styles can be a game-changer in court. Let’s dive into the five types of listeners and how to connect with each one effectively.

1. The Ignorer

Meet the Ignorer. They think they’ve heard it all before, so their minds get easily distracted and wander off. How do you reel them back in?

Tip: Use a TON of vocal variety. Change your pitch, pace, and volume frequently. Keep them guessing and on their toes so they HAVE to pay attention to what comes next.

2. The Pretender

The Pretender seems like they’re all ears, but inside, they're juggling a million thoughts. It’s like they have multiple tabs open in their mind.

Tip: Help them focus by limiting distractions. Make sure your visuals align with what you're saying. Don’t make them read one thing and listen to another. Keep it simple and streamlined.

3. The Selective Listener

Selective Listeners only catch what interests them or directly relates to them. They’re like radio stations tuning in and out, grabbing snippets that resonate.

Tip: Highlight critical words and phrases. Slow your pace and physically emphasize important points. This helps ensure that the key information sticks.

4. The Attentive Listener

You're gonna love the Attentive Listeners on the jury. They listen to understand and connect your words with their own experiences and knowledge.

Tip: Use relatable analogies and metaphors. Allow for pauses so they can process and rephrase your information in their own words. This deepens their understanding and retention.

5. The Empathic Listener

Empathic Listeners tune into the emotions behind the words. They seek to understand the human element and often mirror the emotions they perceive. They are your dream jurors.

Tip: Use dialogue to bring stories to life. Take on the roles of various characters and use your voice to convey the emotions of the scene. This makes your narrative more compelling and relatable.

Understanding these listener types can be your secret weapon in jury selection. By tailoring your communication style to meet their needs, you can ensure that your message is heard loud and clear.

Save this guide for the next time you’re prepping for jury selection—it might just be the edge you need to secure a fair and just verdict.


@fostervoicestudio - Original carousel post titled “The 5 Types of Listeners in Jury Selection”