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Pace Yourself: Mastering Varied Pacing for Emotional Impact

nonverbal communication pace Jul 30, 2024

"Slow down, you move too fast. You gotta make the moment last..."

Are you singing with me? Maybe I'm betraying my age with that reference, but the point is important.

In fact, you really need to learn how to use slower pacing AND faster pacing to get the best audience engagement.

Picture a scale of 1-10.

Most people when they think about varying their pace, they still stay within a nice comfort zone of a 3-7 rate of speech.

I mean, that's OKAY.

But there is HUGE value in using the 1-2 and 8-10 range as well. If you're not exploring the extremes, you're missing out.

More importantly, your audience is not getting the full impact of you content.

Strategically changing your pace, and using the full 1-10 scale, helps create moments of tension, excitement, urgency, and reflection.

Practice the art of pacing to keep your audience emotionally invested throughout your presentation.